Your comments

Hedge (the biggest fund manager on GV) proposed this because he can see that issue of forcing GVT for profit payout create right now for many investors.

Most of those who don't agree, can't even make a valid point for GVT being forced as the only currency for pay outs...because they don't understand the platform economic and are scared the token could lose value.

The token will not lose value because of this, maybe will lose some of those bag holder that are here just to see the token rise in price...and that's would be good for the platform, we need more investor's and manager this will help GV, GVT and the team to achieve the big picture.

Those are not hypothetical, those are all great use case that give the token a incredible value as the platform grow.

Besides, I haven't heard from you what benefit GVT get from being used as the only pay out option for profit's.

"Sell them in exchange without creating sell pressure." You can't sell something without generating sell pressure.

The project don't have any incentive to do something like this, the token can skyrocket or dump at anytime. Why they will take the responsibility and economic risk of holding an unstable for a uncertain amount of time asset after they sent you the corresponding value in another asset.

The possibility for them to suffer economic loss is crazy high by doing this. 

What's the benefit for GV and GVT in doing something like this? What benefit you see in GVT get from being used as the unique currency for paying out profit's?...taken in account that those who don't want it, sell right away to USDt, BTC or ETH.

I see no positive point, on the other hand it's full of negative point:

  • Investor's lose profit's and time in the conversion to USDT, BTC or ETH,
  • Big investor's aren't incentivante to invest when they get profit in a currency that don't have enough volume,
  • The profit a manager made can be shrink two times before the investors get it in the preferred currency, when GVT get market bought before the distribution to investors and when it's converted in the app with a market sell by those who don't want profit's in the forced currency.

Investors don't hold just because you forced them to receive profit in a particular currency. Simple as that.

The consequent conversion of GVT to the preferred investor currency is a pain due to slippage and fee, this can be avoided by letting them chose the preferred currency for payout or by following Hedge proposal above.


GVT use cases:

  • Fee reduction
  • Referral program
  • GV Follow
  • Quarterly burn
  • Fund allocation...

All those use case become huge once the platform scale with investors growing. This is the goal of GV and GVT.

Forcing payout profit in GVT don't help the token and platform in any way, people just sell it right after if they don't want it.

So it's better to let them chose, to eliminate the pain for those who lose profit and time in the conversion because received a currency unasked/unwanted.

In the end GVT don't lose any utility and investor's are free to chose with a better experience without losing profit and time in a avoidable conversion.

Investor's who get paid out profit in GVT, convert it anyway if they don't want it.

So what's the point of forcing them to receive profit in GVT?

    Totally agree with Hedge here. There is not a single valid point in forcing investors to receive profit in an asset that they don't asked for so in most case goes to be converted right away, causing a loss of profit for them due to slippage and fees.

    This could be avoided by following the solution proposed by Hedge or by letting investor's chose the payout currency so they aren't forced to convert it right after in the preferred one.

    The argument of GVT losing one of it's utility by doing this don't stand. Forcing a currency in payout don't give GVT any plus (since user's convert a unasked asset anyway) it's just worsen their experience with unnecessary steps and loss in profit's and fee due to the conversion.

    Moreover this issue disincentive big investors, since the idea of being force to receive potential profit in a asset with low volume and high slippage isn't a great prospective.

    GVT have already many solid use cases and more could be added, forcing it as payout for profit ins't one of them and don't help GVT in anyway. It just worsen the experience of investors. To scale this limit should be eliminated as I see it.

    Rating feel like a section where you check program's rating given by investor's, rather then the most "secure" & reliable program's.