
IOS Bug: When an investor goes into negative profit, the added (-) symbol pushes the investors total off screen

giffen derek 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 4

IOS Bug: When an investor goes into negative profit, the added (-) symbol pushes the investors total off screen. Only on IOS app. See Photos for example

Image 25


Image 26


**I meant as a MANAGERS profit goes negative, sorry not investors**

As the value of a GVT increases over time, then we are more likely to see values into several decimal places to reflect profits... will this not push the info further to the right until it is no longer there? Can a smaller font be used, or a slightly different layout to fit it all in?


This also happens when a Manager who is in profit's figures get too long... The amount of investors in a manager becomes unreadable and is replaced by dots. See pic below.

Under review

Thanks for your feedback! Pleace, text the problem to our support service support@genesis.vision