
Tokens Field Should Be Labeled Better

TeddyRoosevelt 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 5

The tokens field on the web version is a nice addition which appears to indicate how much room a manager has for further investments. However, it is not clear what the bar represents. There are different colors and it is not self-explanatory.

Details on the specific metrics such as the number of tokens invested, numbers available, and number requested would be beneficial. To reduce clutter there could be an arrow or dropdown the user selects to expand the screen and see these metrics.


Under review

Thank you for your feedback. On the token availability bar green colour means that tokens are available. Dark green colour means investors bought tokens (it is not available). Grey colour means the tokens for requests.
I will forward your ideas about the bar improvements to our technical team.


get rid of the bar, use a counter


when you click the bar a box should come up listing three actual numbers each of the three colors represent. Thanks for the quick work and pushing this out so quick tho! 


Or hover over the bar. No need to click on desktop.

There will also need to be some indication to click as on mobile it won't be obvious it's clickable othrerwise.

Just show numbers.

Under review

Thank you for your feedback. On the token availability bar green colour means that tokens are available. Dark green colour means investors bought tokens (it is not available). Grey colour means the tokens for requests.
I will forward your ideas about the bar improvements to our technical team.