
Don't force close trades at end of period

ryan 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 6

really annoying to want to go long a few hours beyond end of period but platform force closes any open trades (whether loss or profit).

Is there an alternate solution?

Well it s kind of the whole point of the platform though 

it will affect both manager and trader if their at a loss knowing its climbing to a decent position just after the period closes. ovs managers choice to get into that position in first place, but avoidable loss overall if it cud move into next period especially if the investor wishes to stay with the manager.

Maybe they could allow managers to extend the period whenever so they can get that last trade done? 

Under review

Thx for your feedback! Unfortunately, but it will be not implemented cause it will broke the logic of our platform.

That' a shame I'd say it's the only deterring factor that would stop me wanting to use it. Added pressure to complete or not enter a transaction due the period constraints