
Invest to Program - Wording

supersurpermail 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 7 years ago 1

Image 191

In my wallet where is shows my activity/transactions - I was sure enough that my request was waiting to be invested but I wasn't 100% wasn't sure so thought Id' ask on the Telegram group since the guys there are really helpful they confirmed I was in fact waiting for my 90.0561 GVT to be accepted by the Program Manager. My thought on this is that this doesn't make whats happening very clear to new users of the program and to make this perhaps a bit clearer, could suggest a re-wording of this statement to word in more like the following - Waiting to invest in program or committed for investment to Program?

Thank you for all of the great work!


Thanks for your feedback! It is always useful to take a look at a product by the strange eyes. We will definitely think about it.