
More info needed about managers

Marie 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 7

- their style of investing etc, needs to be more professional - I would't trust half of those with stupid pics and text. It should be bullet pointed with the same info for each one which can be easily read - for example - 

*Trading experience

*Trading style

*'why should you invest in me:

that sort of thing


Under review

Thank you for your kind recommendations.

We will consider expanding the settings and filling the manager's profile. Thank you for helping us to improve the platform!


Agreed. The manage page should be more of a Bio and include things like their location, age and verification.

I believe it is the responsibility of the manager to input this info.


I think it should be compulsory though - there definitely needs to be more info to make us want to invest in them.


This also goes hand in hand with my suggestion of verified traders (twitter tick style) where GV knows who someone is and they have verified their address and identification. This would also add to the trust of a manager.


Definitely Ace, great idea - we need to know who the important ones are rather than just randoms off the street with barely any experience- I know who I would rather invest in!!

Under review

Thank you for your kind recommendations.

We will consider expanding the settings and filling the manager's profile. Thank you for helping us to improve the platform!