
Export the trades of managers for visual and presentational aid

moontrading 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

Dont know how easy something like this would be to implement but here goes:

A way for investors, managers, analytics and other bystanders trying to learn, to in a simple way export the trades of a manager, and import them to for example Tradingview (perhaps a strategy to put on your chart), MetaTrader5 (those buy-sell icons on the chart) maybe also excell. Maybe somehow the managers themselves would like some kind of a system for eventual tax-purposes.

This ofcourse is doable by hand if you have the skills to do so. I think the community at large could learn by this being implemented, analyzing managers trades, perhaps on top of their own methods. This could eventually lead to improved results, and even suggestions for improvements to a managers system (if there only was a perfect system already! ;)) 



Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that the feature, which you have suggested, is added to our platform. Now you can export manager's trades in an excel file for your personal use. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Best regards,
GV Team

Meant to write for tax-purposes and bookkeeping. 

Under review

Dear moontrading,

Thank you for the feedback. We are able to provide the data on request for tax-purposes or bookkeeping as you mentioned. However, the suggestion is a nice one.

We appreciate your feedbacks.

Genesis Vision Team


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that the feature, which you have suggested, is added to our platform. Now you can export manager's trades in an excel file for your personal use. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Best regards,
GV Team