1. people have suffered so much damage from MT5-MTR or FOREX sites that they have been tortured from past times and FOREX terms and investments.
2. For this reason, GENESIS MARKET (GM) should not be made compatible with forex sites. Civil, everyone must be open, a normal site. Because people are uncomfortable with FOREX word and sites, and most of the people who are disturbed are FOREX-enemy and KRYPRO money lover, so they are affiliated to FOREX-MT5-MT4 sites and never buy and sell.
3. ARBITRATION is forbidden for forex software and normal, simple, exchange through a stock exchange site, arbitrage must be done.
4. GENESİS VİSİON and GENESİS MARKET are two separate subjects. 2 different shopping sites and 2 goals, the ideal is very different. Please leave the forex head mentality.
5. GENESİS MARKET is a very different area, GENESİS VİSİON hefefi very different, you are making a big mistake. Each product GM and GV leave the same balance. Every 2 products have a different purpose. GM should definitely be a simple stock exchange site that is dissected through FOREX
Customer support service by UserEcho
6 ...One big mistake is that the BTC-ETH is never used, which is only required for the use of the GVT token. GVT Coin has been made compatible with GM name. GVT, BUY with corrupted money. This will make the price of GVT and the stadium an invaluable ore. However, the GVT is a mandatory rule with money running. ETH-BTC should only be offered under GVT for prohibited shopping.
7. IN SUMMARY; GM is simple and everyone knows, like a stock exchange site, should be built on an easy-to-understand and civil type site. AXI is VERY negative and horrific over FOREX. The forex away from the people and the only thing they know is that it is simpler, easier and understandable to use the crypto money exchanges, but forex-MT-5MT4 is very difficult to understand
8. Genesis Vision should be integrated on MT5-MT-FOREX in accordance with the target market. Yes, it is a correct move, but do not integrate GM and GV into the same goal, do not integrate it into the same forex software. Fix this mistake right before GM is alive
Dear gulcan kılıç
Thank you for the feedback. Our business module solves the trust issue by implementing IPFS to enhance transparency and integrity of trading data whether it is on Forex or Cryptocurrency.
We appreciate your feedback
Genesis Vision Team