
More filters needed in order to select programmes

CryptonEX 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 2

Hi Fellows,

I am a little bit disappointment. It looks like unprofessional...The manager profiles , names are rubbish. I saw Ltc, xrp fans and funny pictures and nicknames. People come to invest here.

Also there should be more filters for selecting the managers & programs..like  gains, fees ratios, trade count or top 10 etc..


Under review

First of all, let us thank you for your feedback. 

The managers are given a very flexible choice of profile settings. In the future, there will be a moderation system that will allow us to monitor and prevent the use of obscene or questionable vocabulary or illustrations.
The list of parameters to filter the managers will be expanded in the nearest future.

Under review

First of all, let us thank you for your feedback. 

The managers are given a very flexible choice of profile settings. In the future, there will be a moderation system that will allow us to monitor and prevent the use of obscene or questionable vocabulary or illustrations.
The list of parameters to filter the managers will be expanded in the nearest future.