Dashboard Customizastion and Program Details
Hi according to GVT price investors can get cat more gvt even if they are in loss or they can get less gvt even if they are in profit.
Some people hope to get more GVT, some of them hope to get more BTC or some of them hope more USD. This depends on what the investor is awaiting.
So users need a setting which can set default currency for the dashboard, program and manager.
And for the manager side, manager should tell people what his/her goal is. For example a manager's goal can be giving more BTC. Inverstors of this manager will not care about getting less or more GVT. They will care only BTC.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Dear Client,
We already have this function. Every program has it's currency. In this currency you get the profit/loss.
Best regards,
GV Team