
Closing a program - Issues

Lafo 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 3

I invested 50 GVT and closed the program.


GVT price at close was lower than at the beginning and the program earned a profit.

I got only 48.77 GVT back.

How is this possible? (Not sure. Bug?)

Make rates at which GVT was traded transparent (Suggestion)

After the program is closed it shows Period 3 days 6 days left under statistics (Bug)
Balance Value 110.3106 GVT 0.17415843 BTC should be 0 instead.



Dear Lafo,

Thank you for the valuable feedback regarding what you experienced. Kindly send us a screenshot to support@genesis.vision to enable us to better diagnose and address the issue if possible.

Best regards,

GV Team


Dear Lafo,

Thank you for the valuable feedback regarding what you experienced. Kindly send us a screenshot to support@genesis.vision to enable us to better diagnose and address the issue if possible.

Best regards,

GV Team