
CAP on fees-say about 10%management, 20% success give or take

Eric Castagnola 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 6

when someone is able to put 100% fee for something its laughable


Under review

Hello! Thank you for taking your time to submit your feedback. We will set limitations to the maximum value of success fee and management fee at the time of real mode launch. Regarding the option of reducing the fees during the trading period. We will forward your suggestion to our management.

Of course there should be a cap, I have no idea how high it should be but obviously 100% is ridiculous.


The system lets managers set a management fee of up to 500% and a success fee of up to 100%. These are way too high.

I support a free market to set their own fees but this would be only to try and trick people.

The caps should be no higher than 50% success and 20% management in my opinion but i'm sure you will want to take advice from the professionals about the standards. Nonetheless fees search be a searchable criteria however for investors.

Also fees should be able to be reduced during a trading period but not raised. If they want to raise their fee they need to provide notice of at least one full trading period. At the moment it looks like fees are locked once a programme is created.


I agree with above comment. Plus not only is it a joke but it comes off as possible scam and looks bad on us if we are marketing a transparent client. 

Good suggestions, there should be at least an option to reduce fees even during the trading period. 

Under review

Hello! Thank you for taking your time to submit your feedback. We will set limitations to the maximum value of success fee and management fee at the time of real mode launch. Regarding the option of reducing the fees during the trading period. We will forward your suggestion to our management.