
i think there must be an edit button for managers to modify details about their program

jethai 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 4

Image 7


Under review

Hello! Thank you for your feedback. We will consider adding the opportunity to edit the program name and program description.


Agree but this need to be careful if people are already invested.

Such as fees can do down but not up without at least completing the trading period. If fees have been increased then it should show a clear notification to all those invested giving them a chance to exit at the end of the period.

Under review

Hello! Thank you for your feedback. We will consider adding the opportunity to edit the program name and program description.


The managers should be able to edit the description, maybe to add details on the trading period. If they won´t trade for a week because they are on vacation or so it would be nice to let the investors know.