
Remove the GVT value from the platform

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Once an investment is made, it should remove the GVT equivalent in the dashboard and instead show its base currency value. It would add more graphs on the dashboard, but it would be better to have an invested graph in base BTC,  another one in base ETH, etc...

Investors are too worried about losing GVT when GVT gains against the base currency of the program they're invested in and it creates a poor experience.


Dear Client,

Thank you for your feedback. Our IT Department is aware of this problem and they are planning to improve Dashboard and multi-currency issue.

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team.

Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that we have improved our Dashboard with the introduction of a multicurrency feature. Thank you very much for cooperation!

Best Regards,
GV Team