Under review

Top Managers Copytrading Fund

elCryptoNerd 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Is it possible to create a fund made up of copytraders, for example:

'Top 5 Copy Trading Programs'

'Top 3 Low Risk Programs'

‘Best of the last 30 days’

‘Top 5 Forex’

Under a separate tab to normal 'funds' could be 'Copytrading Funds'

Under review

Dear Client,

Thank you for the feedback. I will transfer it to the IT department.

In addition, please be informed that we have implemented the tag system - it allows investors to easily identify the type of investment program. Tags are appointed by the platform and contain useful information about the investment program, that could help you to create your own top lists.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team