A MUST have Feature from an Investor Perspective. - May be complicated
I do not think that this feature exists now but I feel better if the Platform does. What I am looking for as a feature is that if I invest in a Manager I should be able to exit any time before the program ends. To explain in more detail, let us say a
manager with 90 day program. During this period, if the manager is having some huge gains which I saw a couple of days ago, say 500%, I should be able to exit my participation as I am satisfied with those gains in a very fluctuating conditions. Since there will be some open positions by the manager, there should be a feature that shows the current value of the gains including the open position if my investment is closed NOW at this moment. Part of the Open position will be sold automatically to meet my exit order. To avail this sudden exit, the platform/manager can charge some additional fee, say 5-10% or even more. With this Leverage, during the program period, when an investor sees tremendous % gains, like 300%, 400%, 500% and so on, and later fluctuating down to 100% and lower, the investor can opt for sudden exit to reap the gigantic % gains. Is this possible? Just a though from an investor perspective.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Dear Client,
Thank you for your suggestion, but this contradicts with the idea of our platform. In case you have described manager may result without any funds left in his current period, which will negatively affect his trading history. Manager must know how much money he manages in a current period in order to create a trading strategy. If you would have chosen a program with a shorter period, for example a week, you would be able to withdraw your funds quicker and your request would be processed in maximum 7 days.
Best Regards,
Genesis Vision Team
A good manager should understand the dynamic nature of the financial world and should adjust his/her portfolio and strategy.
I do not understand your statement - "In case you have described manager may result without any funds left in his current period, which will negatively affect his trading history."
Say, if every investor exits within the period when the gains are 500%, I guess the program ends with 500% gains even when it is closed abruptly by investor choice.
There might be underlying difficulties to achieve this but I very strongly feel this kind of feature will make the investors make a LOT MORE.
Thank you $GVT Dev team. I appreciate your continuous hard work.
Dear Client,
If the investor is allowed to withdraw funds at any time, then the manager may not have enough funds to maintain positions after withdrawing. Thus, all positions will close to Stop out, and all investors will lose all their funds, even those who didn't withdraw it. Therefore, Genesis Vision has such a system, where the manager chooses a strategy for a certain period.
I am sorry to say that I am not fully convinced. There might be ways to do it.. example: Partial withdrawal and things like that.. Having said that I very well understand that you guys know more than me.
I still opt for a feature that benefits the investor.
Thank you Dev team.
Dear Client,
Thank you very much for your trust in our platform; we appreciate it very much. Unfortunately, at this time it is impossible to implement your suggestion as it threatens to managers and investors as well, as it deprives the investor of the opportunity to receive profits.
Nevertheless, we will be looking for a way to improve our service.
Best Regards,
Genesis Vision Team