
Profit Charts - Add Feature

Jacob 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2


I think it would be beneficial to add a feature to the profit charts that shows another line with the return based on any invested amount of currency. Say you invested $500 and this is how much it would be worth now over the selected time period. This could be an adjustable amount. 

Obviously for most this isn't difficult to work out using the profit % indicator, however I think for the general public it may be beneficial to see as an option in the charts.


Under review

Dear Client,

Thank you for your feedback. I have transferred it to the management.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team


Dear Client,

Please be informed that our management decided to implement the idea described in your feedback in the nearest future! Thank you for helping us to make our platform better for our clients!

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team