Under review

Individual Assets For Investors

Jacob 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1


This is aimed at providing additional functionality for investors on the Genesis Vision platform. Is it possible to add another tab in the assets portfolio that allows investors to buy/sell individual assets?

Allowing the ability to jump in and out of individual assets will be a great way to onboard more 'regular joe' investors onto the platform. Yes, currently users can just set up a manager account and continue in that respect, however I see this 'Individual Assets' tab functioning in a user friendly manner not dissimilar to how it is to invest in and out of Funds.

In my opinion, having this functionality will reduce the barrier of entry that MetaTrader has on Genesis Markets so the general public can use Genesis Vision as their only means for buying/selling crypto (or more?).

Essentially this is building GM into the investor platform to allow GV investors to market buy/sell individual assets with an easy to use UI.

Thank you.

Under review

Dear Client,

Thank you for the suggestion! I have transferred it to the team!

Best regards,

GV Team