Under review

Add funds automatic selling/buying

E S 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

If I have 10 coins in a fund, and one mooned by 40%, I think it’s cool to have the option for it to automatically sell, and split the returns between the rest of the coins.

An the other side, give the option to automatically buy a coin that went down. For example the fund manager cares for ETH, but he thinks it’s currently overpriced. So he can adjust the setting to buy it with 10% once it reaches a certain price.

Lastly, add stop loss for coins in the fund.

This approach adds a trading bot feeling to the funds, making them much stronger than just choosing assets.

Under review

Dear Client,

We really appreciate that you shared your idea with us! Our management will review the possibility of implementing it on our platform. Thank you for your feedback!

Best regards,

Genesis Vision team

Dear Client,

I will make sure the management reads the feedback. Thank you for your involvement!

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team