
Display equity column in funds

vikashait 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 3

equity column is missing it would be a great attraction if users see it in dashboard similar to programs and funds. It definitely helps in making up mind to invest if equity is a large amount



Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that we have added the "Equity" column to the Follow. Thank you for letting us know about this and for your feedback!

Best Regards,

GV Team.

Under review

Dear Client, 

Thank you for such an interesting idea! I will transfer it to our management for their further review. 

Best regards,

Genesis Vision team 

Thanks, I guess you got it what I meant,  equity column is missing in "Follow"


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that we have added the "Equity" column to the Follow. Thank you for letting us know about this and for your feedback!

Best Regards,

GV Team.