Add Invest button directly in each funds/follow/program row of dashboard
Currently, to get the investment, user has to click program/fund/follow row or invest card which is against marketing, and converting leads to user strategy. You might lose the lead.
So make the invest button more visible, someone who is new no nothing about genesis vision platform might not even know that he can invest . Seeing the invest button right next to individual program/fund/follow will encourage him to take action and you might be able to convert leads better. The same pattern is implemented by many like lend etc.
you can also show "Invest button" on mouse hover of a row but generally, it is not recommended

Dear Client,
We would like to thank you for your interesting feedback, it would be transferred to the team for their review. However, we would like to notice, that we encourage investors to familiarize themselves with the statistics of programs and funds before investing.
Best Regards,
Genesis Vision Team.

Thank you. I understand that you encourage investors to get familiarize which is fine but creating a perception in mind to have invested is a different strategy as well. I have good experience in Google Adwords etc and I know that creating perception works.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Dear Client,
We would like to thank you for your interesting feedback, it would be transferred to the team for their review. However, we would like to notice, that we encourage investors to familiarize themselves with the statistics of programs and funds before investing.
Best Regards,
Genesis Vision Team.