Under review

add total profit column

vikashait 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 7

Currently there is only one column "Profit" which is actually not a correct indicator to a newbie because it depends on what time range is selected by default. I propose to add "total profit" column same like below. it is very clear to everyone. Sorry of adding below screenshot but I am trying to make a strong point .

Image 421

Under review

Dear Client,

Thank you very much for sharing your suggestion with us, I have transferred it to our management for their further review.

Best Regards,

GV team.

also can you please change the age column in the row layout of programs/funds/follow to use M, Y, D instead of months, a year, etc. this will make it consistent and concise. Thanks


Hi! Could you please clarify where exactly you want to change it? Also the screenshot would very helpful.


Here is the screenshot of program page, I see the same for funds and follows, I am recommending to use shorting acronyms like M for month, Y for year etc same way you used in Grid layout


Dear Client,

Thank you very much for your clarification. We will deliver this idea to our team. 

Best Regards,

GV team.


any update on this? I guess you should get this out 


Dear Client,

Unfortunately, I don't have any specific information or timeframes regarding the implementation of your feedback. At this moment, our team is working hard on the DeFi development. But I can assure you, that they are aware of all suggestions and feedback from our community.

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team.