Under review

Idea - Dashboard | Add Fees Earned - Simple & Compounded

Jacob 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1


I would like to propose showing additional data on the dashboard to demonstrate the profitability of the platform for its managers. By showing fees earned on the platform in simple and compounded form, it provides managers with a visible sense of reward for their service on the platform.

Simple refers to: Static fees earned at the time of the event, e.g. entry/exit fee, performance fee, management fee.

Compounded refers to: Static fees earned and retained in the funds/programs compounded either positively or negatively because of market movements.

There are additional benefits that come with this idea:

  1. Managers can declare this number when meeting their tax obligations, provided there is the ability to set a custom date range for different tax year ranges across the globe.
  2. We can display this number (in total for all managers) on the platform for all to see how much managers have earned by utilising GV.

Thank you for your time. 

Under review

Dear Client,

We would like to thank you for your interesting feedback, it would be transferred to the team for their review. 

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team.