Under review

0.5% exit/entry Funds comission not in referal program

Олег Корниенко 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1

Add your fund entry and exit fees to your referral program. At the moment, I do not receive a% for my friends who have come to the funds. It is not right

Under review

Dear client,

Thank you for contacting us.

Please note, that according to our current rules, from Funds you earn commissions from Entry Fees that are charged by the platform. These fees are charged as a percentage of the initial amount invested in a Fund. You can find more information about our Referral program here: https://genesis.vision/referral-program.

If you have any difficulties with receiving your comissions, please contact us via support@genesis.vision. We will investigate the issue.

Also we have transferred your suggestion about adding comissions as Exit fees to the Referral program for the further review.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team.