Your comments

You don't know what you are talking about.

Man, all your feedbacks have been a total calamity. When people are finding it hard to buy, you are talking about auto-reinvestment?

That is why the team, in their wisdom, established an internal exchange where these tokens can be traded. In other words, if you missed your favourite trader's token, you can always buy it from the internal exchange. 

As regards your complaint concerning investors buying tokens with bot, I am not sure if it's possible from the INVESTOR'S end, although I am absolutely aware that TRADERS can use bots. However, if you have any proof, let me know. Because I don't think the team will allow investors to purchase tokens with bots.. 

Lol, 10,000 is nothing when the platform is fully established. Well, the difference between the two of us is that while I put the future into consideration, you are greedily and myopically concerned about the alpha without due regards to the imminent growth of the platform. 

That said, the first come, first served idea is simply the best whichever way you look at it. 

Lastly, I will suggest you read my earlier post again, but this time, a bit slow.

Lol, it doesn't make any sense that way. What if about 10,000 investors deposit considerable amounts of GVT into a programme. You expect the funds to be divided into peanuts? Lol.. 

Anyway, I think the first come, first served technique is ideal for it. The only feature I want added is an instant notification system that will alert investors that a manager has reached his/her cap. Or better still, display the number of investors needed for a particular programme to be filled. This way, investors would not have to wait for months only to be informed that his previous month's deposit had been declined.