Your comments

What if you are making up a hypothetical scenario to support your argument that doesn't exist right now and is not foreseeable to exist in the future? 

I don't see why 10,000 investors would line up to invest with a manager with a low manager level, your argument makes no sense. 

For a level 7 manager, whose cap is $1M, it is possible to support 10,00 investors or even more, and in that case it wont be divided in to "peanuts" either. 

What I'm saying is that it should not be first come first serve. It should be a weighted average of the invested funds, this way everyone will be able to invest a portion proportional to their desired investment amount.

I found out after a few days. It was really frustrating. I don't see why it won't get rejected immediately.

Additionally, I'm not sure how funds are selected? Is it first come first serve? Is it selected at random? Is it the person with the largest investable amount? 

Increasing manager levels increases the funds a manager can manage. This should not be a capacity issue because managers who demonstrate solid returns will have a high limit. 

Secondly you are also assuming that there would be a shortage of good managers to invest in. 

I was going to post the same thing, and I saw this comment. Because of multiple currencies on the platform, it is VERY important to clearly label each currency.