Your comments

Dear Client,

Please be informed that this manager has reached his limit in accepting investments and that's why you can't submit an investment request. On the program's page you can find "Av Invest" - Available to invest. It's a remaining 'capacity' a manager has left to accept in his program due to his level limitations.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client,

Thank you for your feedback. I have transferred it to our management.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client,

Thank you for your feedback, I will transfer it to our IT department.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client,

Thank you for such a valueable feedback and for your suggestions, I will transfer it to our IT department.

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client,

Thank you for noticing this issue, I have transferred all information to our IT department and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team.

Dear Client,

Thank you so much for your great support and kind words, we appreciate it very much!

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client,

Thank you for your feedback. I have transferred it to our management.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client,

Thank you for your feedback, I will transfer it to our IT department.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client, 

Thank you for you feedback, we are planning to develop a communication system between managers and investors, but unfortunately there is no specific time frames for that.

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Dear Client,

Thank you for your feedback, I will transfer it to our IT department.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team