Under review

Add widgets for iOS & Android

elCryptoNerd 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Add widgets for iOS & Android

Review the widgets that other apps offer

GVT app widget ideas:

- Show price of GVT

- Show price of multiple currencies

- Show current investment value

- Show programs +/- % 

etc etc.


Limit the time between opening new programs

irescaldieraro 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 4

I believe the platforms should not only limit the total number of programs a manager could open (which of course could be an increasing number conditional on the manager's level), but also specify some minimum time spans.  More specifically, a manager should not be able to open a program, collect entry fees from investors, close the program, and shortly open a new program. 


Dear Client,

Please be informed that we are not planning to limit managers in creating new programs, but we have updated the leveling system in order to protect investors. You can find additional information in our blog - https://blog.genesis.vision/genesis-vision-update-a-level-up-d01ef51c42a

Best Regards,

GV Tem.


Add referrals for new investors/managers to the platform

elCryptoNerd 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

I know you have a referral program for Genesis Markets

Is it possible to create one for Genesis Vision Investor?

Managers/Investors will naturally shill the project to the friends/followers

Easy way to spread the word and get people joining

Of course all commissions paid in GVT!


Manager messages board

E S 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

I think it would be a killer feature if managers could post updates in their manager profile for their investors.

It is OK that managers are anonymous, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be some way to communicate with their investors through the platform.

For example, if a manager plans to close a program, he can let his investors know about it and not have them surprised and not understand what happened.

Another example would be - "I am currently trading this pair as a long position because I want to wait for the upcoming event that should influence the price in a positive way".

This creates a connection between investors and their manager in a yet anonymous way but also it makes a lot of more transparency.

Then when I am invested in a program and my manager posts a new message, I can get a notification about it. Thus keeping investors engaged with the platform.


Investor Dashboard UI Improvements

Vortex 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

I would really like to see some improvements to the UI of the Investor Dashboard

Currently there is not any flexibility in the Assets section. It would be nice to be able to have similar options as other pages; to be able to view programs/funds by week/month/custom dates.

Allow the subheadings to be clickable to be able to sort the program/funds via those columns (i.e. Profit, T. Left, Share, Value, Status).  

It would be nice to be able to select how many programs/funds are shown per page, so that we can expand to have all the programs/funds on one page if desired.


General profit metric

Ettore 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

You can see right now how much your investments are growing just taking single programs. Thus, if you watch program1 you’ll see its performance (related to the current period), and that’s the same for the others. There’s no average profit calculated among all the programs chosen by the investor. 

So my question is: Could you add a metric showing the profits based on all the programs’ performances? 

Or (another idea) in the screen showing the wallet could be added statistics on wallet’s value - (deposits - withdrawals) and they could be updated regularly.

 By the way, what i wish the platform to have is a general panoramic on profits over the time. Could you do that?


Agent payouts for recruiting investors/Investment capital

whoknows19500 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

fxopen PAMM has a nice feature where an agent can raise capital for the managers and earn a portion of the fees. It would be a great marketing tool to enable this feature for GVT platform. 

We have investors and managers by default. Enabling agents would be a virtual part for the growth of the platform. 


[Genesis Markets] Support "Hedging system"

Alex 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

Currently it seems to be the case that GM only supports "Netting system" (e.g. positions of the same pair will be added up) as accounting style. 

Is it possible to implement "Hedging system" as well?



Total GVT invested on dashboard. Confusing?

RDG 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 7 years ago 1


I think that similar feedback may have been given but just looking at the dashboard I still find myself a little confused by the total GVT invested section.

I understand that this is an historic total of all the GVT invested but has it been suggested to have the option to show this section as 'current GVT invested' and swap between the two options?

It's good to see how much I've invested historically but personally I'd also like to see what I currently have invested rather than a total over time. (But would still like the option to switch between the two)

Unless I've missed an option and this is available already!

Thanks for your time.


Overall overview personal investments

gekkeboycrypto 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Hi GVT Team,

I've been using the Alpha for a while now and I think I lost money but I don't know if this is even true. What I am missing in the app is a quick overview of current and historical investments. I'll give you an insight of what I mean.

Current Investments:

Manager      Invested    Balance   Profit/loss
(Name)        10 GVT      12 GVT   +20%

Historical investments: ( If the manager cancelled program or you withdrawed) 

Manager      Invested    Balance   Profit/loss
(Name)        10 GVT      8 GVT     -20%

I hope you get the idea. And I hope it is possible to make a quick overview like this. 

Thank you for your effort GVT team and kepe up the good work!