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Love rhe investor app, easy interface, clear and with no clutter on it
great app... As I said easy to move around and no clutter!!
Performance metrics
What are the profit milestones that managers have to meet to reach each level? Also, once they reach these levels is it possible for them to go down levels based on poor performance? If so, what percentage loss is this based on for each level?
Notification in Mobile Apps
I think mobile apps should be able to send notifications. I use the app as an investor. My investion was cancelled a few days ago but i saw it after days when I open the app.
Hello Ibrahim!
In future, you won't be able to make an investment request if the manager doesn't have available tokens. But you will be able to subscribe to any program you like and get notifications if available tokens appear.
Decimal points for balance and logs for GVT are different
Currently we only have 2 decimal points in balance but 4 decimals in wallet log (e.g. from a partial execution refund) for GVT balance.
I think it is better for balance to have four decimals in both place so that when we invest, we wont end up in error saying insufficient balance because of decimals rounding.
Room for manegers to write strategy/tactics.
Hi guys.
In my opinion, it could be helpful for investors trying to decide which manager to invest in, if there was a place to read a few words by that maneger. Maybe describing his strategy, strengths, or anything he wants.
Because,at the moment, there are a few who have a lot of investments, and the rest have zero invested with them.
When trying to make a decision, at the moment, the only parameters are, the amount of prior investors (and amount of $ that come with that), the avg profit, The fees, and maybe his name/profile pic.
Letting the ones with no investments say something about themselves, might help in breaking the pattern of everybody following the only ones that already have investments. Maybe resulting in taking a chance with someone who has no investors yet.Thus breaking that loop,or catch 22.
This could also help with the probable frustration that these people could be feeling when no one is investing with them, which might lead to them leaving the platform.
Just a thought.. 😁
How are Investment Funds Selected?
Lets say for example a manager has a limit of 500 GVT.
If the First person to invest invests 400 GVT
the Second Person Invests 150 GVT
and the Third Person Invests 100
Total of 650 GVT wanting to invest
How will this get get allocated?
Or will there be a sort of "averaging" effect? 500/650=.769
Where First person gets 307 invested
Second, 116
Third, 77
Resulting in a total of 500 invested from 3 different people.
Hello! Investment requests are processed on a first come, first served basis. In future, you won't be able to make an investment request if the manager doesn't have available tokens. But you will be able to subscribe to any program you like and get notifications if available tokens appear.
Create a small information circle
Create a small information circle (i) next to all fields. If for example someone does not know what a field means, they can click on the circle and a small pop-up will show up explaining the field.
Hello Mike!
Thank you for your suggestion. It is a great idea, and we will certainly take it into consideration.
Filter programs by name
I would like to be able to search for a specific program/manager by name. Maybe add an icon that looks like a magnifying glass & when we click the icon, we are allowed to type in a program name.
Hello! Thank you for your suggestion. That's a brilliant idea. We will definitely take it into consideration. We thank you for helping us to improve the platform.
Fingerprints for security on mobile platform
There should be fingerprint security for mobile platforms and 2fa for web platform.
Thank you for your suggestions. We will take them into consideration. We will definitely enable 2-Factor Authentication once the real mode is introduced.
CAP on fees-say about 10%management, 20% success give or take
when someone is able to put 100% fee for something its laughable
Hello! Thank you for taking your time to submit your feedback. We will set limitations to the maximum value of success fee and management fee at the time of real mode launch. Regarding the option of reducing the fees during the trading period. We will forward your suggestion to our management.
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