
Extra program info

rgoldberg 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

It would be nice to have additional info listed on the program list/browse area, and also in my own dashboard.  Perhaps an additional “dense” via that shows the timeframes and percentages in a tabular view.  


Pending Time and Phone login and password

alex_donohue 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 7 years ago 1

How long does it take for a program to go through pending? Also can't seem to use the same login and password that I used on desktop for my phone app. 


Add a switch for volume based limits on trading and make this a searchable parameter for selecting managers

Ace 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 7 years ago 1

A concern of mine is exit scams. Such as someone creates a profile on an exchange which has a coin only traded there and is super low volume / worthless. They buy lots of this coin and then use their trading account to buy these tokens. GV holders are left holding the bag.

Verification (another feedback point already raised) helps prevent this with accountability but another solution would be an optional restriction on low volume markets. Traders should only be able to trade in markets which have a daily volume X% higher than their total portfolio where x% is a high number.

As the smaller markets have an ability to give better returns, this would be an optional switch to give investors and traders the choice to take on this additional risk but you could see if this has been enabled before choosing an investor. Not everyone wants crazy returns at high risk, outperforming a bank account over the year may be some peoples goals so being able to choose lower risk traders will be a bonus.


Typo: should be 'Available' rather than 'Avaialble'

falstaff 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Image 1


Text should read as '1 Day left' rather than '1 Days left'

falstaff 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2


Thank you for pointing it out. We will forward your comment to the team to fix it as soon as possible.


Investor and manager login?

Fish 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

can we participate as both an investors and a managers at the same time?   I was able to login as an investor, but using the same login info , I cannot log in as a manager!


Dear Client,

Please be informed that you can participate as an investor and as a manager, but you need to create two separate accounts using two different email addresses.

Best Regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Under review

Separate sections for manager and investor fees

vikashait 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

Currently under /fees page there is only 1 table detailing the fees which I think is very confusing specially for managers . From telegram GV support it took few hours to get clarified that managers don't have to pay platform success fee on their part of investment amount.

So I propose 

1 fee details table for investors 

2. Separate table for manager fees . 

Please be explicit as this is very important for new managers to be comfortable knowing the fee structure 


Dear Client,

Thank you for your interesting idea! I will transfer your feedback to the IT team for their review. We really appreciate your desire to make our platform better!

Best regards,

GV Team.

Under review

Percentage change from based to 1Y to 1M after you open a programs details.

Alix 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

Before you click to a program it's show the percentage based on a year, after you enter the detail's the percentage is based at 1 month . It's confusing as user's you feel like you clicked to the wrong one, or that there is a bug. 

Would be better to have the percentage based on the same time frame.

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Under review

Show the creme on Homepage not the ****

Alix 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

On Home at least put the known, reliable and serious funds on display. Putting funds that are so small and poor looking is a bad image for Genesis...

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restart old programs

HedgeBitcoin 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 4

Can the manager have the ability to restart an old program?

Enable a manager to restart/reinvest into an old/expired program, edit description, name, image, fees, and change the StopLevel %.

I understand that the broker, leverage, and base currency can not be modified during a restart!!

Keep the commits coming strong!