
App Crash

cro_joe_13 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

While on ANY of the 4 bottom tabs on Android App (Galaxy S8), If I press Back (to go to my home screen), I get message that "Genesis Vision Investor has stopped"


average number of trades per reportingperiod

JONK 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

I would love to see the average number of trades per reportingperiod of a program.

Allows to easily distinguish between high variance and low variance investmentprograms


In the investor dashboard, sort managers by estimated value of tokens held

c digiola 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Display Managers period duration inside the bar graphs at the Last Period section

markstevenson251292 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

I think it would be good to display the Managers configured period durations on the Last Periods section wether it’s displayed inside the bar for each period or displayed inside the popup triggered when selecting a specific period. 


If you leave a backspace after the mail on a Sign-up or Password reset dialog it wont recognize it.

Hudak E 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

If youre signing in, or reseting a password and you write email adress like : genesis@vision.com and leave a space after the .com it wont recognize it as a correct mail and say "Cannot find that mail".

I think its reading it like this : "genesis@vision.com(SPACE)" so i think its reading the backspace after the mail as a character and part of the email adress and wont recognize it. Its not a big bug but something that sould be removed because it can make problem to those who are copy pasting their emails with the space


Pop Up With Mouse Over Chart issues

wisper7 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

When hovering mouse over the charts, it shows funds, profits, loss, and total profits. There doesn't seem to be any instance where a manager could get profits and losses in the same period, so one will always show 0. Either this is a feature that may only happen in rare occurrences, or this box is displaying unneeded information. Just pointing it out.

Also, the items are not capitalized, except for the P in totalProfit. I don't know if this is a design choice, but it may look more professional to capitalize these words, and separate 'Total Profit:' . 


Thanks for your feedback! It has been already fixed.


Provide a link for this webpage from the app

Hudak E 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

I cans see any link for "provide feedback" in the app. It should be big red button on every page so every tester can go here and provide any feedback. I didnt know this page exist before seeing it burried on telegram.



Thank you for your suggestion. It is forwarded to the team.


Would it be possible to see outstanding requests?

Koasa 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

When you requested to invest in a programme, but for some reason not accepted. I had to look through and cancel those from inactive traders from 1st of april