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"Favorites" feature
*** If this Feature is not added already
Can you please ADD a Favorites feature to add the Managers into my Favorites list.
Thank you team for your hard work.
Quick link for manager's to share profile with investors
When live trading becomes available I think it would be really cool if there were a quick link for managers to be able to copy and paste to their blogs/websites/etc. that allows potential investors to go straight to their Genesis Vision profile. This would allow managers to easily market themselves and bring more people to the platform.
Thanks for listening!
On mobile it is unclear that the "my tokens" label means manager token
Title says it all. There is no indication that these are manager tokens and not gvt.
"My tokens" is 0 on "My programs" page
On the "my programs" page, you see all your invested programs.
You can see a label "my tokens" for every program. If the program hasn't executed yet, the "my tokens" field is always 0. I think it would be better if you would see the invested tokens even if they are not executed.
Kind regards
cant place order in mt5 j2t program - invalid parameter
in the demo and either way whether i try market order or pending i get told "invalid paramaters".
not doing anything different to normal, juts this time round i have a handful of investors...
tried with different volume ranging between 1.00 and 40000.00, same message each time
Sort By Profits NOT IN ORDER
I did a Sort by Profit of the Managers in my Android app. I expected to see the profits in order. But I see the profits not in order. Am I missing something?!! Please clarify.
Can't find a program that'll actually invest my GVT
I can't actually invest my 100 GVT in the beta app. Every program I try to add to, my GVT sits there uninvested. The programs should be sorted by programs that are full, and ones that are taking new investments. I've had the app for 3 weeks, and have had 0 investments. I've tried nearly a dozen different programs and have not had a single one take my GVT and in vest it
Investors Historical Investment Report
Better to have Investors Historical Investment Reports
Customer support service by UserEcho