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Yet to be active program displayed active
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new program that starts on a future date.
2. Click on the programs button on the side
3. Change the tab to Active Program
4. Change back to All Programs
5. Now the program which should not be active is displayed as active
Show correct volume inside the DOM( depth of market)
BTCUSDT Pair, the volume in the DOM only shows values of 1 ( integer) and not floating/double point values. Can the DOM display the correct volume?
Binance OrderBook
Add Tutorial Video to Genesis Vision Website till Official Video & Possibly to all versions
A great individual from the Genesis Vision community has created a tutorial video regarding the Alpha Investor Portal that helps inform investors. I believe this would be helpful towards new individuals in the community who don't understand the Investor Portal and because of that misunderstanding they'd make the decision to withdraw their investment in Genesis Vision. While I believe that an Official tutorial is to come out by the Genesis Vision team a Tutorial isn't out and is desperately needed with the surge of interest and new investors in the platform. In the mean time, I think this video should be used to help investors till an official video comes out by the GV Team! Thanks GV Team!!
The images in the website are way too big!
It's just annoying to scroll all the way down to see just 3-4 images. I think a minimalist design would fit better for the whole of your website. Everything is bigger than it needs to be, I believe. I hope you don't underestimate the importance of the web design. This is one of most important reasons for me to choose Binance over the other exchanges. Keep up the good work!
refferal bonus
Yaptığımız her yeni üye için bize bir referans bonusu verirseniz harika olur, ama aynı zamanda işlem ücretinin yatırım boyutuna göre küçük olacağını biliyorum, ama demek istediğim durum: ağ sistemi gibi üye olacak mı? referans bonusu? Üye oldum, referans bağlantımın bir üyesi olan üyeden% 50 -% 30 ...% bonus alıyorum? Hiçbir referans ikramiye varsa, kesinlikle daha çekici buluyorum çünkü ben BNB stok referans ikramiye gibi talebin artması soruyorum ekliyorum?
HACK attack for GVT markets
There will be a HACK attack for GVT markets. Please take safety precautions of servers safely. Thank you
Thanks for your concern! A person who responsible for security is affiliated by "LC BC", the top Russian CTF team and Kaspersky Lab. We have already undertaken all the necessary actions to prevent the dangers of hacks' attack.
What if manager goes on vacation
Is there a function that allows managers to temporarily close their program for a few weeks when they go on vacation? That way the investment money is not just sitting there. I think there should be an option for manager to temporarily close their account when trading period ends if they need to stop trading for vacation or other purposes
Customer support service by UserEcho