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"Invested" program tab
In the programs section, having a "Invested" tab after favorites would be great. This tab could show the current programs one is invested in and customizable details for those programs
Dear Naderh,
Thank you for the valuable feedback. Basically, you should be able to view the programs invested in via the personal Dashboard. Nevertheless, thank you for the nice and useful idea.
We appreciate your idea!
Best regards,
GV Team
Bug in transaction list
Instead of the status being in the status column, it is in the information column.
Deposit transaction: "0xbbccf45d67e13bf3f7ab282911668529efdcb578b20c22c4c7135eedbdb12b03", Status: Pending
Dear Mr. John Karl,
Thank you for the post. Can you please e-mail us via along with your registered e-mail address.
We will address this issue to our IT department for improvement.
We appreciate your feedback!
Best regards,
GV Team
Typo & suggestion
Google instead of Goggle
On Android, there is no option to "copy" the key for 2-factor authentication. I think this is a must-have so we can more easily fill it in the google authenticator app.
smarter "getting started"
Getting started section deposit shows deposit button even though i have gvt. Its should be smarter and show next thing i'm supposed to do as an investor.
pick a manager
Program finishing alert
It would be great to have alerts via email or text for when a program I am invested in is about to finish, which let's me know if I should reinvest or pullout
bug: gvt balance doesnt show up in top bar - until the page is refreshed
so i deposited gvt to my account . the top bar didnot show my gvt, untill i refreshed the page. the transaction was confrmed and deposited in the "details" page.
Blank screen when clicking on investors dashboard
I get a plain grey screen when clicking on the investors dashboard.
Add new listing coins from Binance faster to GenesisMarkets ( RVNBTC)
When coins are added to binance , volume is normally at its all time high which offers a lot of great opportunities. Is there an automated approach to add these coins to GM instantly. We seem to be missing RVN still.
Dear whoknows19500,
At the moment, there is no such a feature. However, this depends on Binance in this case or the exchange you're buying from if they allow the automated purchase.
Best regards,
GV Team
Little bugs with android version
Hello again! First of all, thank you for the launch, it was really exciting and the interface looks very very good.
However, couple little bugs and inconveniences i found
The dashboard seems empty, really not a bug perhaps but moving along, for example "MasterUpster" program chart, as you can see, very ugly and squished especially on month, 3month and bigger time frames. In the "1day" mode the chart looks normal.
And in the last picture something wrong with the borders of Quantbridge program. Text is hidden as you can see.
Lastly in the WEB version, when trying to invest, its very picky about the amount of GVT you enter. In the mobile version its more clever. For example if in program there is free space of 60GVT to invest, i can type for example "85" and it converts it automatically to the maximum sum of "60"
Big thanks to you! Keep on improving =)
Customer support service by UserEcho