
Going into USDT

Kamiownz 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

as a manager trading in BTC pair - all GVT converts into BTC - however

due to this huge drop, i would of liked to have moved into USDT and then

re-buy back into BTC. however i keep getting errors when ive tried to do so, any

reason to this? 


Limit on manager commission fees by level

Anthony SP 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

Has the GVT dev team considered limiting the amount of manager commission fees by their level. I think it would help the platform by having managers earn the ability to earn commission first by proving themselves as adept managers who are going to take their role seriously. In my opinion, level 1 should be no entry fee and 5% if successful and level 2 should be no more than say 3% and fees if successful should be no more than 10% and so on from there based on high levels. Thoughts on this? Thank you.


Dear Client,

Please be informed that investment programs of levels one and two now have a zero entry fee. Only the programs with level three or higher can charge an entry fee. 

Best Regards,
GV Team


Breakdown of succes fees + entry fee

Gert 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3


As a manager where can we find a breakdown of the succes fee + entry fee + possible profit/loss at the end of each period please. It seems that this automatically reinvested but where can I find a breakdown please ? (transparancy).

Many thanks.


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that the feature is added to the platform. Now all managers have their own

financial statistics — new page with the manager’s financial statistic for the period, which can be seen only by a manager himself/herself. The tab content is the following: 

- Period number;

- Start date of the period;

- The balance of the manager in the program at the beginning of the period;

- Profit in the program including commissions for the period;

- Success fee — the total commission from the profit (from all investors), which the manager received in this period.

- Entry fee — the total commission from all investments in the program that the manager received.

- Deposit / Withdraw — the amount of all invested or withdrawn funds by the manager in a given period.

- GV commission rebate — the amount of the compensated commission (Trading Fee) paid from the GVT wallet. This tab is only for managers who have indicated in the wallet Using GVT to pay for fees (Genesis Markets).

Managers can also export the whole financial history to excel for detailed analysis.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Best Regards,
Genesis Vision Team


Option for funds, allowing allocation edits when a new coin is introduced

Naderh 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

As a fund manager I find it off putting that when GVT introduces more coins, I will have to close my fund or buy another 50GVT to create a new program to add those coins. It would be nice to be able to edit my allocations/coins. 

I was told that if a fund was allowed to edit coins it would be unfair to people who are invested. Which is true, but I propose an option for an investor to manually/automatically withdraw their tokens from a fund (for free or at a reduced exit fee) if the mananger changes the fund allocation.

So when someone has gvt invested in a fund and the manager edits the fund allocations, the person will receive a notification and either manually withdraw the investment at a reduced or free rate, or  have set up an automatic rule (if manager edits allocations in X/Y/Z ways then withdraw investment at reduced or free rate.)

I think this would be a great addition to the platform, as it allows freedom and fairness to both fund manangers and investors.  


Dear Naderh,

Thank you for the valuable feedback. You can find some information here: https://blog.genesis.vision/genesis-vision-network-10bf3e749688

Nevertheless, we will tell our team regarding this problem to figure out a mechanism.

Best regards,

GV Team


Manager History and Program History

Ryan Goldberg 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

"Manager History" for each manager ID (showing a historical table of programs and funds created, including starting params and rolled up data upon close, and similarly a "Program History" fo each program ID showing a table of Program-level information, like starting params, restarts and rolled-up data for each partial or complete period. Basically just a couple levels of meta-info above raw trade data.


Display bug: Manager profile showing some other manager's programs

Shantanu 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

As we click on programs by any manager we go can go their profile after clicking their name. This profile should show only the programs of the selected manager but I can see a list of all the available programs.

Image 301

Image 300


Dear Shantanu,

Thank you for the valuable feedback, we have reported the same to our Development team.

Best regards,

GV Team

Not a bug

GVT profit

E S 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Imagine this scenario:

You invest 10 GVT in a manager

The manager losses a little bit BTC, maybe 1%

But GVT price went down by 30%.

Period ends, my reinvest button is off, got no profits even though my initial GVT investment is now worth 13 GVT.

This scenario is really bad. It happened to me today.

You see, people are investing their GVT and they expect profits in GVT. If I only pay entry fee and get no profits it makes the platform a lose lose situation. Please look into this deeply


Show program end time (and clarify timezone used) not just date.

jjp 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

From dashboard offer precise program end data, by adding time to the date. And clarifying timezone used by platform. This will allow users better chance to join popular programs.


Dear jjp,

Thank you for your valuable feedback. We will inform our developers regarding this issue to add the timezone on each program.

However, in general, the time displayed is in UTC.

Best regards,

Thank you

GV Team


Countdown timer & Push Notifications

Genesus Visionatus 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Hi there awesome people of GVT,

Today I made 2 suggestions in the GVT reddit.

I think the following would be great ideas to implement.

  1. A countdown timer which shows when a program is going to end.
  2. Push notifications from the app when a program is nearly ending, for example in 4 hours the program you invested in will end. (So you can decide last minute to reinvest or not)
  3. A push notification when a program marked as favorite is going to end. (So if investment is available you can decide last minute to invest or not)
  4. Maybe a daily push notification at a certain time which says something like: Your investments are currently 3.36% up.

This will make the apps more interactive and will pull people back to the app over and over.


Dear Genesus Visionatus,

Thank you for the valuable feedback. At the moment, a countdown is displayed on the web version and on the app, it will be also added as a feature.

We appreciate your valuable feedback!

Thank you

GV Team


Limit a level of loss for an investor

gvinvestor 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2


Currently, we have only one type of program where a manager and her investors share the losses (or profits) at the end of the period in equal proportion. But often we see that managers lose money. In addition, they manage other people's funds, which are 10 times more than their own (at 2nd level) and lose all the money from a program.

Image 299

Investors' funds: 1BTC, Manager's funds: 0.12BTC


I propose to add a new type of program that will be safer for investors. In this program, the loss will be distributed primarily to the manager with a limit on the level of loss for investors. For example, the manager has 1 BTC own funds in the program. So she can attract 10BTC investors funds. But if she loses 1BTC the program will end by stop-loss and 10BTC will be returned to investors. Of course, managers will set a huge success fee (up to 70-80%) but investors will never lose their money. 

Dear Client,

Please be informed that we have implemented a StopOut function in order to prevent such situations. SO - a value that reflects what percentage of the balance a manager can lose. The SO is set by the manager when creating the program (with the default SO value of 100%). If the program drawdown is greater than the SO level, then the period closes automatically, all investors' money is returned and all the new bids are rejected. If the current reporting period of an investment program was ended due to the Stop out trigger, then in the next period the investors who had investments in the program when Stop Out have triggered, the Entry fee = 0.The formula for calculating SO: currentEquity - commission <= minEquity. Minimum Equity is calculated according to the balance at the beginning of the period.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Best Regards,
GV Team