
This is why you should allow investors to choose longer investment periods if they wish so.

sarged 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Here I have posted a detailed math on how investors are almost guaranteed to actually lose money when investing in small trading period programs.


Please thoroughly consider this example. I think investors should be aware of this possibility. 

And even if someone chooses a longer trading period there is an extremely high possibility of abuse by resetting trade periods too frequently.


Chat Tab with Manager and Other Investors

Aykut ÖZDEMİR 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1


I think there should be chat tab in program (between trades and events)

Events tab isn't enough. Managers can write real sentences about their thoughts. And maybe even investors can talk with each other.

I know some managers are creating their own Telegram groups. Then just put clickable button for Telegram group in program definition page in mobile applications.


Extend search function to include cryptos in Funds

hellothere 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2


Please extend the search function so that when we search for "enjin" it displays all the Funds who have Enjin in them.

Thank you.


BUG: Investor - Programs - Invest dialog

seba4 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 4

I have just tried to invest into some Manager and i think i have found some UI bug, which doesn't allow  me to Invest into manager.


  1. Open: https://genesis.vision/investor/programs/happier
  2. Click <Invest>
  3. Dialog opens with 100 GVT available in wallet
  4. Next to <Amount to invest> i click on MAX
  5. This returns me red message: <amount is a required field> (I thought this should calculate Maximum and enter it automatically)
  6. Because MAX doesn't work like i expected it to, i have tried to enter manually.
  7. In Amount to invest i enter 5. Red message changes to <Amount is more than available in your wallet> and Confirm is disabled. (Our available GVT in wallet si 100 GVT so this message should not exist in this case)
  8. To resolve this problem i had to close this dialog and click Invest again. So dialog reopens and i can enter it manually.


  1. Open: https://genesis.vision/investor/programs/happier
  2. Click <Invest>
  3. Dialog opens with 100 GVT available in wallet
  4. In Amount to invest i enter 101. Red message changes to <Amount is more than available in your wallet> and Confirm is disabled.
  5. Then i try to enter correct amount. Example: 50 GVT
  6. Message: <Amount is more than available in your wallet> stays there and Confirm button is still disabled.
  7. To resolve this problem i had to close this dialog and click Invest again. So dialog reopens and i can enter it manually.


Level system alternative /3

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

From a tg contributor:
"I mean I think that levels should be reached by a compiled gains achieved and maintained over the course of 1 or 2 months. 

So, for example, to level up to 3. You need to have like 50% gains, throughout the entire time your portfolio has been open, and maintain it for at least 1-2 months.

Level 4, 100% ROI for the entire time it's been opened, and maintain it for 1-2 months.

level 5. 300% ROI and maintain, etc. etc.

This way, it's like 'achievements' that traders work towards AT THEIR OWN PACE. It rewards someone for having attained a certain ROI within their program + assures that it's maintained gains and not just fucking YOLO heavy bets like we are all forced to do right now.

that way, someone who can get 5-10% ROI every single month, with safe plays (as it should be), can eventually reach up to level 10 at their own pace."


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that the new level system was introduced during our recent platform update. Thank you very much for your suggestions regarding this matter as it really helped us to curate the new level formula. All of the information about the new level system in detail can be found in our blog - https://blog.genesis.vision/genesis-vision-update-a-level-up-d01ef51c42a

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Not a bug

Multiple Withdraw Bug

ibrahim özdemir 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 4


I am using GV as a manager.

I just realised that I can submit a withdraw request multiple times even if total withdraw amount is more than my investment. 

As you can see in the first image below, max amount is 0.03274912BTC

My total investment is 0.08202914BTC. I submitted withdraw request multiple times.Then pending amount became 0.91720869BTC which is higher than my total investment.

I waited for the period restart to see if they will be processed. None of the was processed.

Withdraw requests should be checked before submit if there is available amount to withdraw.

Image 319

Image 321


Level system alternative

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

From a telegram member:

"A simple soloution as I see it is to offer levels based on manager share of the program, ie if the manager only puts in $100 max he can manage is $1000. If he puts in $10,000 he can manage $100,000, if he puts in $100,000 he can manage $1,000,000. Obviously that is majorly simplified. I back myself and would gladly put my money behind these programs and these are the account balances needed for any professional to actually use the program as an income source. It is impractical and messy to open 25+ accounts to achieve this."


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that the new level system was implemented during our recent platform update. Thank you very much for your feedback regarding this matter as it really helped us to curate the new level formula. Detailed information about the new level system can be found in our blog - https://blog.genesis.vision/genesis-vision-update-a-level-up-d01ef51c42a

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team


Display Leverage on Managers Page

Burt Chesterfield Livingston J 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

The risks between someone trading at 1:100 leverage vs 1:10 are huge. This should be visible to all investors as a warning to the type of swings expected on trades


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that the feature is added to our platform, thank you for your cooperation!

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team


Filter options for trading history

ibrahim özdemir 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

I want to filter trading history by coin name. I need to see the buy and sell price of only selected coins. So that I can see reactions of the manager. 


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that this feature is added to our platform, thank you very much for your suggestion and cooperation!

Best regards,
GV Team


Closed program display

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Good job adding closed programs to the manager's profile. 

However the current display doesn't do much. We don't need the 7 day return of a program that's been closed for 2 months. 

We need the returns of the lifetime of the program up until it closed. Even the 'all time' display shows 0% return because it technically started at 0 BTC and ended with 0 BTC. It needs to be easier for investors to see how the program performed

It's also not immediately clear which programs are closed. The program profile displays exactly the same. There need to be a clear indication that the program is no longer active and an easy way to see the performance of the program throughout its lifetime. Why are closed program still indicating trading periods?