Your comments


This is a great idea, and we will make sure to forward this to our developers.

Thank you for your time, and please keep tuned!

Thank you for your constuctive feedback!

The alpha stage of the platform is not representative of the final product and we will make sure to constantly upgrade the platform and improve the user experience.

Please keep tuned, we are sure that most of the described issues will be fixed in the nearest future.

Thank you for your time! 


This is a great idea, we will forward this to our developers!

Thank you for the suggestion, please keep tuned, you might see it brought to life quite soon!

Hi there!

Thank you for the suggestion, the team is already in the process of looking for a specialist to help us fix all of the described issues.

One thing you can rest assured about is that the current version of the platform is not set in stone, it is a subject of change. We will modify, upgrade, improve and tweak it until both the team and our clients are fully satisfied with the product.

Nevertheless, thank you for your time and suggestions, we really appreciate it.


We will make sure to forward this idea to the developers.

You can expect a 2 step authentication to be implemented as soon as the demo stage of the platform is over. 

Please keep tuned and thank you for your time and ideas! 


Sorry for a delayed reply, as far as we are concerned, the issue should have been already fixed by now. Please try updating your application and let us know if the issue remains.

Thank you! 

Hi there!
Yes, we were thinking of implementing such a section on a platform, but it will only appear after the platform goes out of the demo stage. In any case, please keep tuned, we are sure that you will soon be able to find such a feature on the platform.

Thank you for your time! 

Thank you for the suggestion!

We will forward it to our developers. Please also keep in mind, that in the future an internal exchange for manager tokens will be launched. In a scenario you have described in your suggestion, you would be able to simply sell those tokens. 

Thank you very much for your time and ideas! 


Obviously, some of the features were not enabled for the demo stage of the Alpha, such as KYC or 2FA. 

You can expect all of those features appear as soon as the platform goes real GVT.

Thank you for the suggestion and your time! 


We have received a lot of feedback regarding this issue and it should be fixed in the nearest future.

Thank you for your time and suggestions, please keep tuned!