
Enable MT5 on RoboForex +

HedgeBitcoin 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

GenesisMarkets = MT5

Roboforex = MT4

Angelite = MT4

It would be nice to have support for both platforms(MT4 and MT5) at the FX brokerages.  Both brokerages offer it.  

Under review

FUNDS - allow investors to take profits at pre-determined intervals

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

This is related to the FUNDS:

Investor can choose to automatically take profits based on pre-determined time frames:
- 1 day

- 1 week

- 2 weeks

- 1 month

Investor A puts 50 GVTs in Fund "BallsOut" on a Tuesday and checks the 1 week auto take profit option => every Tuesday thereafter (as long as the auto take profit box is checked), profits are distributed if the value of the investment is above 50 GVTs. 

Profit distribution would ideally be in GVT only just as with the Programs.  

Under review

Individual Assets For Investors

Jacob 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1


This is aimed at providing additional functionality for investors on the Genesis Vision platform. Is it possible to add another tab in the assets portfolio that allows investors to buy/sell individual assets?

Allowing the ability to jump in and out of individual assets will be a great way to onboard more 'regular joe' investors onto the platform. Yes, currently users can just set up a manager account and continue in that respect, however I see this 'Individual Assets' tab functioning in a user friendly manner not dissimilar to how it is to invest in and out of Funds.

In my opinion, having this functionality will reduce the barrier of entry that MetaTrader has on Genesis Markets so the general public can use Genesis Vision as their only means for buying/selling crypto (or more?).

Essentially this is building GM into the investor platform to allow GV investors to market buy/sell individual assets with an easy to use UI.

Thank you.


Leveraged Funds

Jacob 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2


With the integration of Huobi to GV, is it possible to include leveraged funds as an option? 


Under review

Dashboard Value To Incorporate Fees

Jacob 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1


As an investor on the platform, it can become jarring when a period for one of your invested prograns ends and your total portfolio value drops due to profit fees. 

I was thinking that it would be helpful to have these profit fees calculated into the dashboard value as the period progresses rather than calculated at the end of period and have your value drop suddenly. The percentages are known for each program so in theory they shouldn't be difficult to calculate, I don't know about the development difficulty though!

An added benefit of this is that it should produce a more consistent value chart for investors dashboards.

Keep up the good work team!

Under review

PLEASE Increase the investment limit for non-verified users to 500-1000 GVT per month.

lifewithoutart 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

100 GVT is simply not practical for non-verified users who want to test out the platform and become more familiar with it please increase the limit to 500-1000 GVT per month.


Myfxbook integration

j7pro 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

It is difficult to analyze charts of managers. Please integrate it with myfxbook. I remember the PAMM system of btc-e. Everything was much more convenient there. 


The investment into managers should be limited by sum of the programs.

sarged 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

There is an issue that managers open multiple programs that are essentially the same or very very similar in nature.

As a result, it is becoming more difficult to manage them and easier to make mistakes, leaving investors frustrated.

I am continuing to insist on building an environment where managers are encouraged to do their best and play fair.

In this particular case the managers should have no incentive to open multiple programs, unless it is really necessary.

The main reason why managers choose to open more programs is that way they can collect more investment.

If I am a manager and I open my first program and it has lvl2, and another manager opens 10 programs also lvl2, see I have a clear disadvantage because the other manager can attract 10 times more funds. And if he performs random trades selectively over a different number of programs, he also has a significantly higher chance that one of those programs will level up.

The solution: if the investment is limited to the sum of the programs, that won't be a problem anymore. For example I have a limit of 300 GVT. I could create one and only program where they invest 300. or create two programs, where if they put 100 in one and 200 in another one, it would also be capped, so it would make no difference. In this case, managers would only open new programs when it's really necessary, i.e. if they are completely different. Otherwise they would be shooting themselves in the foot by multiplying their programs and then neglecting some of them.


Can you please encourage managers to do their best and play by the rules?

sarged 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Right now a manager can charge a high entry fee, high success fee, open unlimited programs and restart or abandon them without any consequences. I believe we may already have a bunch of professional managers on board, but the thing is they are not encouraged to play fair. They know they can collect some fees here and there and end up in profits at the cost of investors loss, so they are not doing their best.

If Genesis Vision were only profitable for the managers but not for the investors, wouldn't this be called a failure?

The managers already have good incentives... so could you please pay attention and discourage them from engaging in practices, which could be described as manipulative. A thread about this has also been posted on Reddit, you must realize the problem, and think for solution.

An answer like "this is investors sole responsibility" is not acceptable. You must have the right integrity and strive to create a healthy atmosphere that genuinely encourages the best managerial practices, while at the same time allowing investors to enjoy their gains, not trying to squeeze every possible fee in the world while leaving them broke. Especially the investors, because we are the boss here :-)

Under review

Harsher penalties for program managers who close a program early

glen belford 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Please see the post here:


Managers are exploiting the platform by simply closing a poorly performing fund and opening a new one. This affects transparency for investors.