Under review

Withdrawal requests on v1

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Allow investors to choose a percentage of their investments to be withdrawn. As it stands now, investors have to put a BTC value, which may change between the time to make a withdrawal request and the time the period ends. 

Simple boxes with 25% || 50% || 100% options would make it easier for investors, especially those looking to withdraw their investment completely. 

Under review

Social Media support

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Include SM links to easily tweet or post on FB manager returns directly from the platform. Maybe only allow managers to post their charts using SM as they wouldnt post the bad ones ;-) . 

Right now it requires us to screenshot and then post. Not that a big a deal, but direct access would be nicer. 


Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for the valuable feedback. The issue had been already discussed over another thread. However, we are looking forward into the idea.

We appreciate your feedback.

Thank you

GV Team


Bugs in web version and android and thoughts

topias kayhko 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Here is couple things

So first of all, i tried to invest in this "mbheron" program and my investment got cancelled. It shows the right amount on my phone app (+25,05 GVT) but some weird amount on the web version. 

Second thing is this "profit" bug. I think it calculates that i first had 10 gvt in programs, and then later i added 50 gvt to another program, making it 60 gvt in total (assets in program) But in reality of course i have not made 499% profit =)

Then it would be nice if the profit chart in the mobile version would be similiar to the web version, where it shows the percentage gains ( like day by day) when i move my cursor over it. It could be in the mobile version also, where i would slide my finger over the chart. 

And have you already heard the following suggestion? It could be thrilling to see somewhere in the upcorner etc, somekind of statistics about the Genesis Vision platform. Like total Assets under management, how much users and managers there are. That way it would be nice and easy to follow the adoption of the service :) 

Image 291


Closing a program - Issues

Lafo 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

I invested 50 GVT and closed the program.


GVT price at close was lower than at the beginning and the program earned a profit.

I got only 48.77 GVT back.

How is this possible? (Not sure. Bug?)

Make rates at which GVT was traded transparent (Suggestion)

After the program is closed it shows Period 3 days 6 days left under statistics (Bug)
Balance Value 110.3106 GVT 0.17415843 BTC should be 0 instead.


Dear Lafo,

Thank you for the valuable feedback regarding what you experienced. Kindly send us a screenshot to support@genesis.vision to enable us to better diagnose and address the issue if possible.

Best regards,

GV Team


Investor Option: Reinvest by a percentage of profits

HedgeBitcoin 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

make a new slider, of how much of the profits you want to be reinvested .


This was a great suggestion in the chat room that I wanted to share here. This will allow the investor to select a percentage of the profits they would ReInvest in the program while having the option to take some profits off the table. 


Dear Client,

Now investors have the possibility either to have the original investment and the profit or only the original investment to be left in a program. Unfortunately, we are not planning to add a reinvest by a percentage of profits in the nearest future.

Best Regards,

GV Team.


Profit graphs seem reversed

c digiola 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

When looking at the manager module that was released yesterday, it seems that profit graphs are reversed.

In the 'programs' section, when i click on a given manager, their profit graph goes up but their profit is actually negative.

For example, Matadrox has a profit graph going up from 0% to 0.3%, but their profit value is -0.04210473 GVT.


Add BTCUSD to the GenesisMarkets ALL Account Types

whoknows19500 6 years ago 0

Since binance has a restriction on the limit order size, it would be handy to have the BTCUSD symbol across all the Account Types, Without knowing the value of BTC in USD, we can not calculate the Minimum Limit order Volume size in the ETH denominated accounts.  

Notional size of 0.001 BTC = USD value. 

The BTCUSD symbol does not need to be available for trading just like the ETHUSD symbol within the ETH accounts. We only need access to this symbols price to complete the proper calculations to determine the minimum limit order size on the non BTC accounts. 

Please add this to the GenesisMarkets platform! 


Create a subscription feature that allows traders & investors who lead others on forums or who sell courses to verify their profits to their followwers

Derek 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

On social media there are a ridiculous amount of unqualified people who are "crypto OGs" or "veteran traders" that have a significant amount of followers that they sell courses to and there are a lot of accounts on there of people who claim to be managers for different types of investment opportunities but they are most always not what they say they are and many are straight up fraudulent. In my eyes, a great feature to add to the GV platform would be to use GV's blockchain technology to start a feature that is sold for a monthly/yearly subscription that tracks all trades that these leaders and entrepreneurs say they are getting. It would be a good feature to have to weed out all the losers and frauds who have a large following and profit off of their following and also would be good because GV can make money off of the subscriptions that they sell. It would be similar to other tracking software like profit.ly that Tim Sykes uses but it would be on the blockchain and immutable and so we will be able to truly see who is legit and who is not.


Dear Derek,

Thank you for the valuable feedback. Our platform is focused in a different direction at the moment. However, we do care about the quality of managers and this is why we have a special level system where traders get ranked by their actual performance.

Hope above makes sense!

Thank you

GV Team


Include option to view profit/loss of program over trading period rather than time.

Dmc 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

At the moment the total profit/loss of a traders program is shown relative to a specific time period which is independent of you being invested or not. Once you have invested in a program would it be possible to view the profit/loss over that specific trading period OR for the total duration that you have been invested? This would make it much easier to gauge how your invested capital is performing over the trading period.


My Thoughts on Marketing

Eric D 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 7 years ago 1

It seems to me that the short ad I saw on youtube seemed a little too over the top and cheesy.  The futuristic graphics and the voiceover were cool.  However, I think you may want to think about going for a cleaner, sleeker, more professional tone for your video ads.  I think older more experienced investors would feel more open minded if they felt like they were watching an Ad for Charles Schwab and not an ad for The X-Box 360.  It was a cool ad that would work better for younger people, but we need to remember that a good amount of the people who control the big money are older.