
Please add a tutorial to the app

Dmc 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 7 years ago 5

I know there is a video but please could you create a tutorial within the app? It’s much easier to find the answers (what the manager token bar means etc) within the app rather than somewhere else. 


Please implement KYC for managers, but keep it optional

c digiola 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

I saw some tickets asking for a KYC process for managers. While I think it is a good idea, I also think it should remain optional. 

 "Verified" managers will inspire more trust and will benefit from their transparency by attracting more investors. I think this is enough and we should let the market incentivize managers to complete a KYC process.

However, as long as regulations do not make it compulsory, it shouldn't be compulsory for managers to reveal their identity. Especially for crypto traders: this is a space where people value their anonymity. The entire space is anonymous. If investors do not want to invest in anonymous crypto traders, then they just won't. But please do not force crypto traders to reveal their identity.


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that the trades reflection was already corrected in our IOS app and now you should be able to see the recent ones at the top. Thank you very much for your suggestion!

Best regards,
GV Team.


Program closed but open trades final price is wrong

ryan 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

I opened a trade for bitcoin cash Saturday morning and over the day it crashed being -$3000 

I charted it and knew it would climb back up to where I bought in

My program closed Sunday 7am and the price of bch was the same as what I bought it.

My program closed with -$3000 bch trade.

Crypto trades 24/7 so why is it not break even on the trade history, this doesnt show the accurate (transparency) as it doesn't reflect market price at the time. 

Something need to be done to allow crypto trading all weekend or taking market value as program closes

Image 62

Image 61


Allow for a 'success fee' hurdle linked with GVT

GVT Bull 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedge_fund#Fees_paid_to_hedge_funds , 

"Some performance fees include a "hurdle", so that a fee is only paid on the fund's performance in excess of a benchmark rate (e.g. LIBOR) or a fixed percentage"

It would be nice for the manager to have an option for him to not take any success fee if his fund did not outperform GVT - this would give further confidence to GVT hodlers to invest in the platform.


For this app to work it has got to be much more idiot proof

CryptoPete 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Without reading up about it I just can’t make sense of what is actually happening. everything needs to be clearer so ‘anyone’ can download the app and instantly understand it.


Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that we have payed attention to your feedback regarding our app. Please be informed that our team has improved IOS app and made it more user friendly.

Best regards,
Genesis Vision Team

Under review

Avg. Profit Field Should Be Consistent Across Managers

TeddyRoosevelt 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 4

The "Avg. Profit" field appears to be the average return per period duration. However, because period duration is different across managers it makes comparisons difficult. There should be an average daily or average weekly returns field that allows comparisons on a consistent basis. 

Average returns per period duration is still nice to have, but only in addition to a consistent metric, and this should be clearly labeled. This applies to all platforms.


You are right, the "Avg. Profit" value shows the average profit for the reporting period. That is why we recommend basing your decision comparing not only this parameter but also the amount of total profit (in GVT). Anyway, I will forward your comment to our developers.


Possible added functionality to auto re-invest

RDG 7 years ago updated by c digiola 7 years ago 2

Could there be a function added to auto-reinvest initial investment+profit to the manager. 

Or to auto-invest investment but withdraw profit at the end of reporting period? 

This is functionality mainly aimed at investors who want the platform to keep working for them  but not constantly check in before the end of each reporting period.

Thanks :)



Auto-reinvest is already there. Your investment stays for the next reporting periods until you decide to withdraw it.

Thank you and have a lovely day!


Withdrawal at end of period should show how much I invested

E S 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Image 35

It is hard to understand how much I invested in this program to begin with, so I cannot know if these 21.9037 GVT is a gain or loss


Mobile - UI & Feature Enhancements Ideas

R-7 Semyorka 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 6

Great job guys! I'm supper excited to see how the end product will look, and even more excited about the approach that you guys are following - releasing an MVP and allowing the community to be involve as soon as possible.

I was lucky enough to have worked in Russia for 2.5 years and I am well aware off the work ethic and productivity over there

Here are a few ideas from my side -


  1. The application icon might look better if the edges are rounded instead of square (maybe with a shadow or even a completely round icon)
  2. Dashboard: display your daily profit or loss underneath your total portfolio value (be able to switch between 'daily' or 'all-time' and between percentage or nominal)
  3. Dashboard: If you scroll down until the portfolio value (and the new profit and loss indicator) is not visible  anymore, then display a smaller version of it in the header of the screen.
  4. Settings: Create a setting (3 dots) button in the top right of the screen. This is a place holder for all future configurations (E.g. 2FA), but for now you can display the App version and buttons that link to the following -
    • Report Bug, Review App, Share App
  5. Maybe a good idea during the Alpha is to show a release notes popup when the application starts after an update has been installed - this is a great way to interactively share with the  community the apps progress.
  6. Profile Screen: provide option to link account with social media - this can import some default information and your avatar.
  7. Profile Screen: Use a select box for the country field (maybe also display the country flags)
  8. Profile Screen: Have option to upload document via using mobile camera.
  9. Programs: It will will be great if you can star programs to add to your favorites.
  10. Programs: A lot has been said about searching and filtering, but I feel that investors should be able to do advance filtering / searching on all the programs attributes -
    • Program name, manager name, management fee, success fee, trade level, profit, investors amount, available spots in next reporting period, instruments, etc.
  11. Program Details: Split program details into 4 sections (e.g. tabs) -
    1. Profile: A cover page with all the program and manager personal info, background, details of the team, strategy, instruments, photos, links, videos etc.
    2. Results: All the program's statistics and graphs. The amount of investors, etc 
    3. History: Trading history 
    4. Comments: A section to make it more interactive where investors can have discussions regarding the program or ask questions to the manager. (the manager can moderate his own comment section)

To be honest, item 2 & 3 are ideas taken from Delta (the crypto portfolio manager app) so you can have a look to get an idea.

That's all for now
