Under review

update of the new trading layout

gustavo lorenzo 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1

×I further try to use GV terminal and I think team should really match the layout what Binance did. I am really emphasizing on this because i find it difficult. I would like to have separate buy and sell button options like Binance instead of using toggle button to see either buy or sell. Reason is as advance user I would like to quickly buy and sell on small sats gain. And toggling to get buy / sell side makes me miss small sat gain opportunity and definitely professional will get annoyed as well. Binance spent tons of money in research on layout and good for GV to make it similar for better adoption !!

Under review


IdleJ 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1

Is there scope to include NFTs within Genesis Vision in the future? This could be in the form of token trading, or auctions (where GV provides a front end to auctions that occur on either DEXs or CEXs). With things like stocks, whisky, art, and watches being tokenised, it would be great for GV to be a place for buying / selling / trading all kinds of digital assets. They could be included in Funds or Programs, or as someone else suggested allow a fund which has purchased NFTs to be tokenised itself (as an ERC20?) & traded or included in other funds / programs.

Long term idea, of course!

Under review

Idea - Hide inactive and zero balance programs/follow accounts

Jacob 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1


Can you please add a toggle (similar to the one for Social that allows you to 'Show events') for programs and follow accounts that have zero balance AND zero activity past a certain threshold, say 3 months? These programs shouldn't be visible by default.

In market pullbacks you have a scenario where programs with no activity are near the top of the list because they have a profit of 0%. This makes the platform look empty and hides active managers from view even though they may only have -1% profit for the month. 

I had to go to page 4 to find managers who are actually active aside from the first two on the list who are in profit.

See image below: 

Image 426

Thank you for your time.


Dear Client,

Thank you for this interesting feedback and for taking the time to share it with us. It was transferred to the team for a review.

We highly appreciate your cooperation!

Best regards,

Genesis Vision Team

Under review

Integrate lending as another investment type

E S 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1

Integrate Aave.com, into the platform.

So users can lend through the platform, and get passive income by doing that... 

I think this could both be good for GV marketing, and also bring a good utility to users, who have their funds in the platform, but might want to get functionality like lending funds.

Under review

0.5% exit/entry Funds comission not in referal program

Олег Корниенко 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1

Add your fund entry and exit fees to your referral program. At the moment, I do not receive a% for my friends who have come to the funds. It is not right

Under review

GVT bot

Aluc4rd 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1

How about GVT create a automated trading bot for all participant, based on how much GVT one holds. For example if a person hold 100 $ worth of GVT, can use basic bot...if you hold 300 $ worth of GVT premium version. When the price grow you can sell GVT token, but still be able to use the bot?... i hope i was clear...:D

Under review

Replace token burn with

E S 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1

Instead of burning the tokens, distribute them to GVT holders on the platform, with the ratio of how much each user holds only if he held it for the whole quarter.

So let’s say you have 500 GVTs to burn, and 2 wallets on the platform has held 200 each for the whole quarter. 
and 2 more wallets held 400 GVT.

So the distribution will be:

Wallets that held 200 will get 100 each, and wallets who held 400 will get 200 each.

Incentive to hold GVT that is completely aligned with the success of the platform.

also, more people will hold their GVT on the platform itself, increasing the chance that they actually invest using the platform.


Dear Client!

Thank you for your suggestion, I have transferred it to the team for their review. 

Have a great day!

Best Regards,

GV Team

Under review

GV Funds - Allow Private Funds

Jacob 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1


I would like to propose the ability for a user to have private GV Funds on the platform. I am sure there are potential users for the platform who do not want to run a public GV Fund or want the responsibility of managing other people's money but would like to utilise the platform for their own personal benefit.

If at some point the user would like to make a private fund public, then they should be allowed to do so as well.  

Thank you for your time.

Under review

Capital Protection in Funds + GVT buying pressure

Luki Puki 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1


I'd like to propose something for funds which, if implemented could make the funds much more versatile and resistant to market crashes as it will allow managers to preserve capital more efficiently. Additionally it could create higher demand for GVT on the market which will raise prices and bring liquidity to the market. 

My proposal is as follows: 

Currently, funds are reallocate-able at 3% per day with a forced 1% allocation to GVT . Although this is a fair amount, when market crashes are looming and a manager has no more % allocation left he and his investors has to face the market crash and often loses a considerable amount. The lack of a capital preservation tool makes the funds un-appealing to some. 
Crashes can occur up to twice a month in this volatile market and therefore it is important that the tools we use are well adjusted. 

I suggest it be made possible to 'purchase' and additional 50% reallocation in your fund in exchange for an additional 1% allocation of your fund in GVT. 
Cap the allowed purchase of reallocation credits to 100% per month. (leave the current 3% per day rule allocation as is) . 

So if a manager purchases 100% reallocation, his fund need to have a minimum 3% GVT allocation. After 30 days the limit is reset to 1%, but manager has to manually change it when he pleases. 

If a fund has 100,000 USDT of AUM and suddenly needs to purchase 100% allocation to save itself from a flash crash, that means an additional 2% needs to be allocated to GVT for atleast 30 days This would imply $2000(2%) of GVT being bought off the market, with no direct cost or penalty to the manager or investors. 

Obviously there are some things which need to be ironed out, but in principal i think this could be a very nice feature. 
(maybe additional perks like "if you hold more than 10% of your fund as GVT for more than 30 days you are eligible for 1x free 50% reallocation, expiring in 30 days or something like that) 

Please leave your comments/thoughts below and like this suggestion so that the team can add it !


Dear Client,

We would like to thank you for taking the time to provide your suggestion here. I have transferred it to the team for further review. We really appreciate your interest and your help in the progress of our platform.

Best regards,

Genesis Vision team.

Under review

GV Funds - Allow wallet top up on Fund creation

Jacob 5 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 1


When creating a GV Fund, there is the possibility that you don't have the required amount of currency in your wallet to create it. Can you please add the ability to top up your wallet (via MoonPay) on the same page that you are creating the Fund so the process doesn't have to be restarted after your wallet is topped up?


You could allow users to save the GV Fund settings/allocation etc, but not create the Fund for public investment until currency has been added.

Thanks for your time