
Misleading profit dashboard indicator

Johan 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

Dashboard profit indicator shows total profit but doesn’t take into account losses.

For instance if you lost 90 out of your 100 GVT but once a manager made you 5 GVT profit, dashboard gonna say 5 GVT profit.

I think ,in my previous example, profit dashboard indicator should indicate -90 profit.


Sort by Profit

Va Da 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 7 years ago 1

Please change the "Sort by Profit" to Sort by % Profit"

% Profit makes more sense than Total Profit. A Manager can make more Total Profit but Less % Profit. Investors CARE MORE for % Profit than Total Profit.

Please consider to Change as requested.


iOS app and web app out of sync from manager available tokens point of view

GVT Bull 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

For example, First_pro currently shows he has available tokens in alpha.genesis.vision, while the iOS app should him as ful


closed program on 3rd and still no funds returned

ryan 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 7

i emailed about this and have had no response.

i opened a program did a couple of trades and then closed it. expecting the gvt to be returned at end of trading period i have now waited over 20 days and still cannot open another program.

the program is called 'genesis test' by user Apollo

inside the program i can see it is pending withdrawal however i am unable to cancel or move forward from this point


Historical Report of Managers

Va Da 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

To make better investment, there should be a feature for the investor to get a Historical Report of the Managers profit ratings: a) Top 10 b) Top 100 c) by Manager Name d) between Time Periods. 

This will help me as an investor to understand which Manager has a better track record to invest wisely.


Messaging or wall feature

Jef 7 years ago updated by ryan 7 years ago 4

There needs to be a public messaging feature where investors can ask managers about their trading strategy. It's really silly if to just dump in money blindly without being able to ask the trader "why u opened this trade, why you closed at a loss" etc. It's all about transparency right?


profit graph in the dashboard is confusing / wrong

c digiola 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

I have invested all my gvt (even if some of it is still pending investment). I got about 2.7 GVT in profit. However the "profit graph" in my dashboard starts at 0 and decreases to -100. Therefore what is show is not really the profit. I believe what should be shown is either the real profit (which in my case should go from 0 to 2.7) or the total gvt (switchable to usd) value of my portfolio


Please explain how "Profit" is calculated.

Koasa 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

Since 1st of April 24.126 GVT more then at the start. 
Why does it say 3.8862 GVT profit not 24?

Is it for a certain period only? 

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