
Platform needs to be more Responsive

Mad3nCh1na 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

This is not related to any one specific function of the platform,  but overall the interaction between the investor and the platform needs to be much more responsive. We want to have immediate feedback on what is going to happen with our GVT or $$$. 

When we click something, or do something, we want to have immediate feedback. As a trust management platform, waiting for so long with out certainty what will happen does not add trust and credibility.

EVERYTHING that involves an investors $ or GVT, needs to be as fast and responsive as possible. Whether it is investment entry, profit distribution, or profit reporting.


Show total profit in USD

cryptowarrior 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 4

As said in the title.


Hello! Thank you for your suggestion. It is forwarded to the technical team.


Non accepted request to invest by managers should display some info message

Hudak E 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

I have requested many investments into traders but i dont know whats happening, if they didnt accepted my request, there should be some message at the Requests page saying "Manager didnt accepted your investment request yet"


Thank you for your feedback. It is forwarded to our development team.

Under review

BNB and BUSD wallets for deposit / WIthdrawal

TradingToolCrypto 4 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 4 years ago 1

These networks are faster and cheaper than what is available today.  It only makes logic sense to support these native binance assets since we all use binance. 

Under review

Top Managers Copytrading Fund

elCryptoNerd 6 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 1

Is it possible to create a fund made up of copytraders, for example:

'Top 5 Copy Trading Programs'

'Top 3 Low Risk Programs'

‘Best of the last 30 days’

‘Top 5 Forex’

Under a separate tab to normal 'funds' could be 'Copytrading Funds'


Allow GenesisMarkets Demo Accounts for the Alpha Manager Programs

whoknows19500 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 6 years ago 2


Would it be possible to enable the creation of demo accounts with Genesis Markets for the Managers Investment programs?  Crypto traders would probably enough trading testing on your brokerage for the next few months before we go Live in October. 


Idea for Program pitching

Joris Bruggink 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 5

Dear GVT-team,

First of all i'd like to thank you for working on all the feedback on such a short notice, really great.

This morning I came up with an idea which, in my humble opinion, could benefit the platform a lot.

Since its still very vague and difficult at the moment to select an investment program which suits you best I think it would be a massive improvement if there would be created a space on the GV platform where managers could pitch their programs (For example something like pitch.genesis.vision).

Basically this would work like a search engine for investment programs, for example... When I expect that there will be a lot of money to be made on the Forex market in the next couple of weeks i'd go to pitching website and filter on managers who offer programs mostly/merely focussed on the forex market. Those managers can insert video's or papers in which they explain their strategy, knowledge, expectations, credentials, etc. 

After looking at these pitches it would be a lot easier to decide to invest in Manager A , B or C. Or maybe even split my investment in these 3 managers. This way its a lot easier to benchmark all programs that GV has to offer and this makes making right investment decisions a lot easier (Now its just a big contaminated pile of programs of which you don't actually know what will be its purpose).

I hope this idea will help you guys further in making the GV platform to reach its full potential, keep up the good work.

Best regards,



Dear Client,

Please be informed that we have updated our platform by adding a tag system to simplify the programs' search. For now, we have the following tags - low-risk, high-risk, medium-risk (these three marks identify the Stop Out level); crypto, forex, signal.

Thank you for your cooperation, your feedback really helped us to improve the platform.

Best Regards,

GV Team.


Dashboard showing canceled programs

wisper7 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 3

When I look at my dashboard, it shows programs I have invested in. However for some of them my investments were canceled, I assume by the manager. The dashboard does not distinguish between what managers I actually have 'hired', and which ones denied my request. In fact, for each manager, it shows 0% for 'my share'. The dashboard should not display managers who have not accepted my request, and I am having a hard time even figuring out if ANY of my GVT tokens have actually been invested yet.



Thank you for your feedback.

A manager cannot accept or decline investment requests. All the investment requests received by a manager are processed automatically at the moment the next reporting period starts. The thing is, there is a limitation on the amount a manager can accept, this is due to the managers’ leveling. Those investments that cannot be accepted are returned to the investor at the start of the reporting period.

We are glad to say that in future there will be separate lists for programs you've invested in and ones you've canceled your investment in (or it was canceled due to the manager's limitations).

Thank you for helping us to improve the platform.


3 critiques

Corey McLean 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 2

overall I love the UI and think this looks and runs beautifully. However I do find these three points frustrating. 

1.) Investment clarity

When you allocate your gvt it says “invest” but it should be made clear that this is a request pending approval. So far all of my requests have been denied but I have no way of knowing that. A notification would go a long way - also a little info within the app of how this process works. I could see users getting really irritated if they click invest, walk away, and return at a later date to find that it was rejected.

2.) wallet overview

I feel as though the wallet is bordering on too sleek at the expense of valuable information the investor would want to see. Itd be great to see pending requests versus available balances versus locked in investment funds. I also think it’d be nice to always be able to see your available balance in wallet (similar to the binance dropdown tip right) I recognize that gvt is going for a very sleek design, but I think the wallet should be very info rich for the user. 

3.) dashboard labeling 

As much as I like the iconography I think it’s a little unclear to a new user where you are navigating. Simply think this should be labeled, even if it’s just a rollover. I think it should be really clear cut to a first time user. 

Otherwise, I think everything looks really nice. 


Adding a favorites feature for managers you're keeping an eye on

Rainbro 7 years ago updated by Genesis Vision Support 5 years ago 4

It's been mentioned already about the manager's you've sent a request to has remained on their dashboard despite cancelling or being denied their investment. As a replacement for that, adding a favorites function on the programs section while scrolling/searching for specific managers would be nice.

As a 2nd idea, there could be a feature to invest a % of GVT whether it's total owned or current holding



Definitely a great idea. We will take it into consideration.
Could you please tell us a bit more about your second idea?